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Thursday, May 31, 2007

AND again...ZI MOU!!!5 tai = 3.20

laughs....woke up so so so early in the morning ytd jus to go to the ICA building to extend my passport and guess what?the queue's like so so so fcuking long till like queue-ing for macdonald's hello kitty....haaa...

anyways it didnt really take long actually and i wonder why...the moment i went in i only waited for like 20 mins and i got my passport extended...oh...i went with eidil btw....and its much faster then him cuz he only went to collect his passport...anyways it was raining and we CHIONG to some coffee shop at beach road and all along it was drizzling....and after we ate guess what -_- it RAIN!!!BIGGGG!!!!hahaha

goodness and what else...we got drenched....chill under my house and not long he went off cuz he doesnt seems to bother....coolness...lol....

so i chilled my ass in front of the com and sometimes doing shuffle-ing lol...you know?dance dance...hahaha and ITs awesome i tell you.... and went for muay thai...lol....

1st time plus i dun even know the basic lah can?so pai seh....and i some how just follow and kinda got it rite...and after so long for like not training my stamina...i admit i need to run more n more to get my 6 pac and tone body...hehhehe....and soon after i went back to MAHJONG!!!!WOOOSSSHHHH...and now my neighbour jio me mahjong again...LOL...GTG!!!5 tai 5 tai 5 tai!!!!!

i love my girl,

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


hahahha...goodness...like wth...i suddenly saw a rooster in the drain along my way home after i bought mac's shaker fries...YUMYUM!!!anyways yeahhh

So much things needed to be done....passport update,flu vax jab,consent form and yay!!!will get 400 bucks allowance before i go there..laughs!!!so cool!!and chill peeps!!i wont bring back or smuggle china girl....HAHAHHAHAHHAHAA

Tat's my Dinner for now = )

i love my girl,

Monday, May 28, 2007

Trip to IKEA

lol...trip to ikea's so funny today...cam whore thru out the whole trip....laughs.... so here are some of the pics....anyways my friends rocks to heaven...some burn in hell..LOL...ok..so random...anyways here are the pics!!

Vain Zup....

Ambassador for GIANT(COPYRIGHT)

Mr Lee Tong Lee (aka Lee Tok Kong)HAHAHAHA

The making of the New Boy Band

The Pics says it all didnt it?

ANyways the next pic is dangerous..LOL..introducing elson lau QI HONG!!!hahahahha...this guy gives ppl the sexy back....Shivers and Goosebump....cuz he somehow sure will freak ppl out by talking to himself...laughs..ok im not mocking him and he knows it too...besides....he always got a issue with me -_-

He Sure do gives ur the creepy look rite?

Oh!!he just went off the toilet without telling us so we decided to PS him and thankfully Mr TONG called him....Laughs!!!!

i love my girl,

Sunday, May 27, 2007

5 tai = $3.20...

LOL...i cant believe i kept winning ytd's mahjong and its like i was the zhuan and i kept winning so its like me to be the zhuan for the next 5 times..LOL...anyways won like 25 bucks?yeah...ahhahah so cool...1st time somemore....yeah!

so yeah...today met up with syaza like after 986123762138 days...lol...went starbucks to chill some ice mocha and choco cream chip....and walk the whole of town before i had no choice but to ps syaza..IM SORRY k ?cuz had to fetch my sis...laughs..so after that went to play soccer and im back...yep!anyways leaving shanghai...lol...dun feel enthu or sad...jus normal...hahahha...gosh...last time went overseas longest is like 2 weeks...now...its 1 mth....aiight! sch's tml...blogged again soon = )

i love my girl,

Friday, May 25, 2007


lol..ytd was seriously like wtf...kena aeroplane but luckily i got backup plan which is to meet yip,lin,si and a couple of friends...woosh....realise yip cant drink for the love of god...hahahhaha...jus 1 beer n a vodka and she dunno what she's talking about hahahahh!

den after that not long i head to my cousin's house to MAHJONG!!!!hahahahahahha....won like 15 bucks lol..xtra 5 more bucks which i've spent ytd...ho ho ho .....

anyways SENTOSA!!!here i come!!!and its been a long long time since i've been there...going with fo en and we're driving there...how cool...laughs...anyways so tired...only like have 4 hours of sleep and then thought there's soccer with pri sch frens but luckily there isnt if not im drop dead by now...hahahha...anwyas cheers!!!!!see ya guys next friday!please go lah k >>>

i love my girl,

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Chill Out SPot!?

Want to know where u can chill the sh!t out
like totally?Home Club!!!ok anyways this post's helping my peeps to promote...

Well This Club plays Indie music...under the
common local clubs which plays RnB which
is like so F**king Boring and besides
theres a good deal when you sign up as a
guest with my fren..

not only you'll get 5 bucks beer before
12 you can get free enty every friday
and very good music there...well no
point talking so much cuz you'll have to
experience it the kicks to feel it yourself

interested please buzz me @ 92266455 or
email my fren(Xing hui) @
xing@homeclub.com.sg for more
details!!!Hope to see you EVERY FRIDAY!!!!

oh btw the venus's 20 Upper Circular
Road B1-01/06 The Riverwalk

i love my girl,

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


lol...yesterday was fun...met up with shana and xing hui like so many thousand years didnt meet up with them ready and hahah it was crazy last nite...anyways met up with them at town and watched them eat and talk bout east to the west...and den we chill out at a playground in TOWN!

lol...eh eh...secret place....only some ppl will know...anyways not soon they walked down to cine while i went to take my bike and head to the cine

carpark....and went to kobayashi to eat..

and there's some brain storming on where to go and so its to cindy's house to watch dvd....gaawwww...i swear it wasted 2 hrs of my life watching this show called birth.....just imaging.....there's jus this boy who claims he's nicole kidman's passed away husband and all becuz he found her husband's diary....and wow...there's some scene that the boy make out with her....

lol..and i think that's the highlight of the point.....anyother thing is that the boy can really act very well....ok back to the story...and everything went back to square 1 which is the boy admits that he's not his ex husband and poor nicole kidman have to go all the way back him and ask for forgiveness-_-...rmb ppl!the

show's called BIRTH....watch it if u wan to waste 2 hrs of your life ok ?ahahha yeah...

then we head to mac and the time was 4 am!?yeah...i ate double fillet-o-fish cuz i dint had my dinner....and we bitch-ed and bitch-ed and wat's more i gotta give dear shanna a ride home which is at tiong bahru...gawww....the ride was fast though...but my mind was steam...lol...and when i came home i bathed and i lied on my bed....and i was thinking to myself...was i on the bike?and my mind went blank and it next day...lol...

so today the peeps are heading to clinic not those cure clinic but to chill clinic...hahaha...and there head to zouk...and yepp...that's LIFE!!!yah yah!!btw here are some pics of the chi hua hua's puppys!

there's Sexy,Spot and Bear Bear!!

There!!this is BEar bear!haha cute rite?

Sad faces...

Dont bear bear look jus so cute...lol...

anyways i was telling cindy that her puppy's at my hand which cost 600...and i was like "hahahh CINDy!!!!i have 600 buck on my hand!!!"hahahha anways tat's it for now...am gonna meet them lo!!ciao!!

i love my girl,

Sunday, May 20, 2007



i love my girl,

Friday, May 18, 2007

Club club and More CLUB!!!!!

Hmmmm....wooohooo...life's so so free now....like finally...im able to breathe.....besides i still one more year before i head for my NAVY!!!besides it was nice hanging out with old frens....New frens....and ahahha....

there's a funny encounter that me n my fren went to carpark H at
east coast park where couples EHEM!!!!having sex there...and you can like see newspaper on the car window or every rubbish bags!!!!like OMG and WTH!!!!hahahhaa....

and what me and my fren did was like we went past each single car slowly as i rode the bike and whenever we see ppl i would like BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!!!!

lol...and i supposed the ppl inside would like get the shiok out of their life...LOL...anyways....we're gonna beep beep next week....aiighty!!!!i just cant wait to laugh the shit outta my ass again!!!WAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

anyways this is what i did to my hand during work as it was fcuking boring and gaawwww.....there isnt any souls at wheelock.....thus i drew my hands with stars stars!!!!and oh!!!hahahaha my fren had this teddy bear?which is like scratching its balls or

something?hahahah...like WTF...

i love my girl,

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

SHANGHAI SHANGHAI here i come!!!!

hoooo hoooooo!!!!might be going to shanghai like during june but subjected to approval by our sch sector head....and its like gonna be 1 mth!!!hahaha....hoooorahhh.....so much stuff happens for a good reason....hahahha....look...now that is LIFE....

i love my girl,

Monday, May 14, 2007


Goodness!!!everyone's like getting money from the gov...AHHHHHHH!!!!wtf.....how come i cant take yet!!!!!!21....argh....veery soon very soon..but nabei..by the time also like no more or what ready....gy...lol....ytd clubbing was fun like really FUN!!!wooohoooo.....go invites every week...how shiok......hahahahaha.....ENJOY!!!cheeers

i love my girl,


Chinese Names - Annie Wan (Anyone)

Caller : Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan?

Operator : Yes, you can speak to me.

Caller : No, I want to speak to Annie Wan!

Operator : You are talking to someone! Who is this?

Caller : I'm Sam Wan. And I need to talk to Annie Wan! It's urgent.

Operator : I know you are someone and you want to talk to anyone! But what's this urgent matter about?

Caller : Well... just tell my sister Annie Wan that our brother Noel Wan was involved in an accident. Noel Wan got injured and now Noel Wan is being sent to the hospital. Right now, Avery Wan is on his way to the hospital.

Operator : Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital, then the accident isn't an urgent matter! You may find this hilarious but I don't have time for this!

Caller : You are so rude! Who are you?

Operator : I'm Saw Lee.

Caller : Yes! You should be sorry. Now give me your name!!!

i love my girl,

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Im speechless,confused and pretty seems to love the way my life is now....im sorry but i cant help to feel that way....perharps i think it would be better...trust me...there is no 3rd party involved.....hope u dun bear grunge with me....alot ppl cares for you too...life goes on.....what's more in the future....u might be glad that u made this decision too.....for me there isnt any gladness....i do cherish those memories you gave me and i'll keep it in my heart till i grow old n senile.....though everything happened...i still love you....take care...best wish

i love my girl,


yawn yawn yawn...boring.....went to see the doctor after i jus came back from sch and hahahhaha i dun have to pay a single cent at all....how lucky...anyways sch's pathetic.....only went for S&W and the teacher made me run 10 rounds ard the basketball court...LOL...how lame...the the class is like only 10 ppl?wtf...hahahha ciao...SICK BOY!

i love my girl,

STRESSED,SICK what else?

hmmmm....am feeling so sick now....had sore throat during sat and while playing mahjong keep sneezing and sneezing till i have heavy flu.....oh well...plus stressed over what to do for final year project....hmmm...and WORRIED cuz every nite darling's like so late going home...how not to?hmmmm

anyways wed's the sch soccer trail...hurray....the competition's starting soon again and haahaa am gonna feel those lost feeling again..the fast pace....quick play....oh yes!!!!!gotta fetch dad to thompson road tml for his taxi studies....lol...and lucky sch starts at 1pm and ends at 4pm...oh well...think im gonna head to sleep now....aint feeling well...sigh....STRESSED,SICK what else?

hmmmm....am feeling so sick now....had sore throat during sat and while playing mahjong keep sneezing and sneezing till i have heavy flu.....oh well...plus stressed over what to do for final year project....hmmm...and WORRIED cuz every nite darling's like so late going home...how not to?hmmmm

anyways wed's the sch soccer trail...hurray....the competition's starting soon again and haahaa am gonna feel those lost feeling again..the fast pace....quick play....oh yes!!!!!gotta fetch dad to thompson road tml for his taxi studies....lol...and lucky sch starts at 1pm and ends at 4pm...oh well...think im gonna head to sleep now....aint feeling well...sigh....

i love my girl,


Sulk...my hair's gone...and its like so tutu now....how i miss my hair...sigh...lol...anyways sch starts and my new class's good...some old fren here new fren there...soccer mates here and there...LOL..crap ard...like some old bitches bitching of something.....making fun of the teachers...LOL....1 word...AWESOME!hahahahha...

so suay also...kena summon ytd cuz of parking my below baby's block....argh...sembawang town council sucks man....i think it's 100 bucks if im not wrong for the 1st time....yeah wat to do....LL lo....sian cant have the xtra cash to buy something for me n darlin ready...cuz it flew away jus like that...

anyways worked ytd cuz seri's dad admitted into the hospital....hope everything's aiight for her....and hmmm it was a tiring day though cuz was alone the whole day and did the closing for the day....yep yep....no sch tml.....sulk...how i dread the 1st n the 2nd day of the week.....end ard 4pm,5pm....tired tired!!!off to eat my breakfast,lunch and dinner!!!see ya!!!

i love my girl,

H i m

♥ B r i a n N e o
♥ 2 9 0 9 8 7
♥ 2 1
♥ C H R I S T I A N
♥ S T A R
♥ L i b r a



♥ my family especially my mum;
♥ my precious baby girl;
♥ soccer is in myblood;
♥ loves bikes;
♥ friends;


*safetly on my family members;
*safetly on my baby;
*aim high in NS NAvy;
*to be with my baby girl forevER


I don't bother what others think about me.
I can honestly say I'm the most random person I know.
I try VERY HARD to make my life
and everyone else's as interesting as possible.
And I try to help others in any way I can.


Say HI!


May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
August 2009
September 2009
December 2009
May 2010


Desginer : Ahhna
Basecode : Last Edition Ahjess