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Friday, September 28, 2007


how sad...tml's my bday and hur hur...i've got no plans and stuff....

oh well...i guess i dun have any friends...

hmmmm finally i can walk without crutches and like freely...

i love my girl,

Monday, September 24, 2007


yes yes yes!! i can finally walk without crutches....gosh....imaging walking town with the crutches and everybody's like looking at you and stuff?well it doesnt mean anything but....i guess its just weird that everybody's like giving you that look? like haa..so what im on crutches?funny meh ??haa...anyways doesnt matter lah...i'll be walking normal by 2 weeks time?yeah...hopefully.....

then yeah!i can ride bicycle ready wooosh.....just went for physiotherapy today and i have to keep going if i want to get back to soccer fast well...im just like totally looking forward to get back to soccer...sulk....so this hols is all just about physio physio n more physio...

do i have a choice?NO cuz i wanna get back to soccer!!!!and thats the way i WANT!!!

i love my girl,

Thursday, September 20, 2007

im home!!

i've spent my darkest hour there....its like seriously slow..especially the time....haix....just imagine that i slept at 1 and i expect to wake up at 7am the next morning....i woke up at 130am...geee....actually i've nothing much to say....jus check out the pic...

Ba Zhang Leg after i just woke up....

Bored...way to BORED...


this is how ACL reconstructioning sugery looks like =)

its not a wound..its a hole....

Sexy stocking to prevent it from swelling

i love my girl,

Monday, September 17, 2007


its my operation tml...and i cant eat anything or drink today...and im starving now...Wahhh~~anyways am gonna meet good friend later....well hopefully...eh....went to simpang bedok with gary and watch them play soccer....fuck i tell you the feeling isnt good...cause you cant play at

anyways after that its rained and damn...im the only one who ride bike and yeah...am drenched....so we headed to darrel's house....asked the maid to machine dry my pants,clothes and boxer....after that we tried to make a tiny bomb..LOL...in those yakult bottles?and fill in with sparklers....yeah but it ended up in a disappointment..hahaha

darrel in his pack?haa preparing to make the bomb..

went to catch rat taa too weeeeee

hey tongtong...just wanna say that its a pleasure this few days and yeah...sadly today's the last day...hahaha...well there's more to come lah huh....

oh yeah here is like my injury?and how its reconstructed again...yeah..kinda gross..hahahhaha

oh today went to CMPB also to collect the deeds n enlistment date...and its like just for awhile and im back home to sleep and went to street soccer court to watch my frens play soccer...and again..tat feeling..grrrr....well that's bout all for today...guess i wont be blogging this coming few weeks....will be admitted into the ward..so see ya!!

i love my girl,

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!holiday!!!!!!but...with crutches??

yess ah!!!like finally the butterflies inside my stomach is gone for now....sulk....anyways yes....working tml n the following day and im just looking forward to my operation and just freaking get well and get back to play soccer again...

this coming september has so many plans but haix....on crutches?damn....wont be able to walk for 2 mths or so i guess...and i CANT RIDE MY BIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......i'll be back to play football....i will be looking forward to this day.....HUURRAAA!!

i love my girl,

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


sulk...exam's like in 5 more days and lol..i was playing need for speed underground ytd...hahahha well...seriously i couldnt bring myself to study lah...i also dunno why....and well for study im kinda a last min person cuz i dun really like to rmb and i can only rmb when i study on the spot?laughs...i think i've been doing that for the past 6 years of my life since pri 4..oh well...doesnt matter....

anyways went to catch hairspray..LOL..i didnt know its some musical thing and hahahha basically all women are totally crazy over the Zac Efron...which i think he looks like lindsay lohan...Are they Sibling??hmmmm...none of my business..

gonna study later...at the national library..awww..where there's peace...so long~

i love my girl,

H i m

♥ B r i a n N e o
♥ 2 9 0 9 8 7
♥ 2 1
♥ C H R I S T I A N
♥ S T A R
♥ L i b r a



♥ my family especially my mum;
♥ my precious baby girl;
♥ soccer is in myblood;
♥ loves bikes;
♥ friends;


*safetly on my family members;
*safetly on my baby;
*aim high in NS NAvy;
*to be with my baby girl forevER


I don't bother what others think about me.
I can honestly say I'm the most random person I know.
I try VERY HARD to make my life
and everyone else's as interesting as possible.
And I try to help others in any way I can.


Say HI!


May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
August 2009
September 2009
December 2009
May 2010


Desginer : Ahhna
Basecode : Last Edition Ahjess