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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

life isnt any better after what happened especially when you're loving someone deeply....had no mood to study or do anything....bet you guys rarely see me this emo..sorry to you.

life's getting miserable and pointless....wherever i go there sure will be something to reminds you....went siglap....saw this bar called denise wine bar....and when i was in my friend's van 98.7 played all your favourite songs....when you're gone,apologize,empty....

im sorry but i cant help but feel this way and i dunno why im feeling this way cuz perhaps i never ever feel this way before....i know despite the way i am now, im totally pathetic and so loser....i cant even make you be by my side...and i really hope that you will come back to me...i'll be waiting...

sore throat aint getting any better and i really hope that you take care...rmb the time we took wood shot...the smile on your face.Priceless..but whatever it is i wont do anything silly cuz hopefully by the time i'll be drop dead on drinks.

went drinking with my friends ytd and i bought my german beer n some tiger and he got some hardcore liquor which has johnny walker black label,vodka....we agreed to get high cuz both of us got problems going thru out mind and we drank it neat....we kinda got too high and maybe paranoia. we did some stupid stuff like doing push ups to get the liquor in us pump up.my friend wanted to like cut himself so i was like you're crazy...why cut yourself up to bleed and suffer?the pain of suffering aint feel good.

cant imaging we both are suffering the agony we didnt expected...i always think that when you wants to get serious in a r/s thing wont go your way....sometimes i really hope that you'll be with me.but i cant really bother you cuz you need your time to do other stuffs too..im sorry that im causing you this kind of agony too and i think you'll recover much than i expected...i hope you understand that i didnt blog this intentionally to make you feel bad or something but i type whatever goes thru my mind right now...

Denise CJP....i love you and i love you still....i really adore you so much that the feeling of that is so special...im sorry for the loser state i am now and yeah...hopefully like what you've said may we get back together....i dont mind you clubbing and stuff cuz we're still young and we want to do stuff before we get old and regret..i really adore and appreciate those times we had though it was short and fast..it was breathtaking and sweet.i miss those times and i hope we will have those time in the future hopefully you wont have a change of heart by the time.whatever the sms i sent you,i meant in from my heart this i know.just let me know when you're really to start with me or you wan to end with me...i'll be waiting...even though ur answer is negative...i'll still be waiting to woo you back again..this i promise you.

when you walk away,i count the steps you take..do you see how much i need you right now?
when you're gone, the pieces of my heart is missing you, the face i came to know is also missing too.i never felt this way before, everything that i do reminds me of you.maybe we're trying too hard..maybe we're torn apart.maybe the timing is beating our heart..we're empty.you tell me that you need me then you go and cut me down,you tell me that you're sorry but i forgive you..cuz rmb you'll always be forgiven by me no matter what goes wrong cuz i really know how you're feeling

i take another chance,take another fall, take a shot for you cuz i need you like a heart needs a beat

i love my girl,

Monday, October 29, 2007


She went clubbing while i went to play mahjong..muahahaha...sore throat sore throat= [


Went major shopping with her and muahahahah got myself a skinny jeans and a black jeans also... 3 tops from bossini..went to pasir ris's white sand to get half a herbal chicken and bought back her house...her mom is so cute hahahha there's always thing to talk about =]


i was hardworking again..muahaha...but i like what's going on...head to pasir...parked my bike....train to city hall...and to see the smile on your face after a hard day's work...i dont mind...had alot of talk and i hope you can feel what i've said...cuz i really mean it..you have all the time = ]

i love my girl,

Friday, October 26, 2007

it used to be empty.. but now its filled with xoxoxoxoxoxo

24 wed

went to sch...was pretty tired also dunno why....perharps im used to sleeping late during the hols....kinda forgot what i did..but not during the night...went to meet nise woooots....donuts and some supposedly to be bitter but sweet drinks...i TAR the whole bottle so unwillingly ha.

so sweet....so tender...that's where it started...pasir park....

25 thurs

apparently im going crazy....she had work till 10 and hahah im was intially suffering post-******-Tra la la...and going even more crazy...anyways i was hardworking....headed to pasir ris parked my bike and took a train down to meet her♥ after that i gave her wood cough syrup as both of us are having sore throat...and we took shot!hahaha yep... wood shot...damn... the taste was aiight but..the thing was like gluey kind of feelings yucks..but we got better..so it aint that bad..and we headed home =] cuz she was tired...and sadly...it was gary's last day of human freedom before he go into Pulau Tekong Chalet Resort...muhahahaha...and he wanted to tell the girl he likes how he feels and stuff but he said he didnt had the guts and when i met up with him...his face was totally pissed off...i dun dare say anything...so we chatted on the statistic...heh..."AUNTIE JENNY!!" muahahahaha

26 Fri

had sch today....woke up late....lesson's at 8 am but i went at 930...i know i rocks....and have to complete assignment again before we can left so i used my super mini eyes to see and copy the notes down..grrr...wonder why we always must copy notes...blah...

went to meet her for lunch and ha...saw "AUNTIE JENNY!!"she was so cute...jus like her♥
we had duck porridge, after that went to shop and save for some aircon-ing cuz i was melting under the hot sun ?yep yep....and i asked "AUNTIE JENNY !!"if she likes the donut and she said it was nice and i asked if she wants more and she did a a funny motion like waving"NO NO NO Scare already" muahahaha...like mother like daughter...but i ♥ the daughter more

i love my girl,

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

♥Back at home as promise= ]

miss silly ♥

i love my girl,

Monday, October 22, 2007

Whoa oh, we're so miserable and stunning

sch has started for bout a week and its getting as per normal....final year sh*t totally busy...couldnt really cope with at the 1st place but its getting better n better now as in we know what we want to and how we're gonna do....yeps...

dread...ytd sch soccer tournament...saw mostly of my friends playing for their respective sch...haha ITE balestier...which is college WEST the team i played for 2 years ago...but damn..my final year and i cant get to play for my sch.....i miss soccer = [

anyways my hospital bill is settled and im RICH now..Muhahahahhahaha....did something to my bike and hahahahah its a super bike now....ho ho.....anyways knew this totally great girl...ehem...you know who you are = ] me aint a sweet talker...

i love my girl,

Friday, October 12, 2007


rite now apparently im broke...every mon wed n fri i have to go for my physiotherapy...and each time it cost 20 bucks so 5 time it's 100 bucks....and right now the hospital's final haven even Fu*king come yet and i dunno why its so long...gosh...just paid my bike installment today and bank's remaining still can struggle i guess...sulk...HOW HOW HOW....i wanna work but right now i cant work...cuz i cant really squat yet...geee...anyways

recently slept very late hmmmm i guess most of my programmes are like at nite?hahahhah...hmmm bbq on tuesday cuz its kiemin's bday and went back ard 2 am and following day i went to meet heiqal and hahah went rounding ard changi and see ba po..LOL...following thursday went to cheewee's army frens bbq..LOL..beeer...n food gosh....

anyways recently i've get back the feeling i've want...the feeling of panting after a good run yes...i miss that kind of feeling....i cant wait to be BACK!!

i love my girl,

Friday, October 5, 2007


yes!!my results are outta!!!!and uh huh...i've passed my exam with a GPA of 3.024 with Material & Process Technology getting an A and Quality Control B but i am amuse...cuz usually my better module's supposed to be QC but how come my material is better?laughs!!lalalala dun care i still pass....ahahhaha fuuuuyoooo never underestimate the power of MUG Studying...it does good ok...hahahaha..

so for those taking O's, N's ,A's HAPPY MUGGING!!!!hahahah especially ehem...NICOLE LOY!!hhehehehe work hard yeah!!fighting fighting~!!!

went out to my uncle's place to pass him something which is at hougang and back home to eat dinner.then head to gary's house to watch sleague where our friend LEE HENG HUAT is playing for balestier khalsa....feel so proud of them...so many of them playing for Sleague ready...hmmm soon im gonna see u guys in the singapore colors rite!hahaha...great...now grandpa come and i dont think im able to go out ready....damn..plus my mom didnt even call to tell him that she's going oversea...not cuz i dun like my grandpa but he always does things that me n my sibling dont like...okie...maybe he's old or something but all my family sure knows that he for SURE knows what he's doing...just imaging grandpa gave my mom like 5k of cash....and only after my mom used 3 k for our home renovation NOW he's asking it back and my poor mom gotta like pay him back each month...it doesnt make any sense rite?gosh...forget bout this...

anyways went out with gary to meet the peeps...woootss..went vivo the open area to chill with them...talk shit do shit and act shit..HAHAHAHA...and after that went to CHANGI village to EAT!eh eh not to see bapo eh!hahaha...anyways it was a good hang out...know some new peeps and woooO!!chill out again ah!!hahahah so after we left...and i fetch gary home...AND!!!! i saw jian ming riding bike out..so he asked me if i wanna join him to eat at joo seng so i agree..HAHAHA aiyeh..nothing much..just chilling and talking shit..HAHAHAHHA thats all for ytd...

i love my girl,

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


i guess things has been really boring and there is nothing i can do except friends,physiotherapy(its killing me cuz the docs tried to beng my knee straight while i really SCREAM like hell?),hang out at town(with muh Noh and achai buying stuff like women)and it continues...yeps....result's out and i've passed....GPA3.0 not really that good though but least i passed....

anyways just saw this girl called cassy .about her story i feel kinda sad though cuz i've experienced that before...especially the aching in your heart...but it'll never be compared to losing your friends who had passed away....Atiff i still miss you...1 year on i still cant forget how we used to had fun during training at Geylang United...Free kicks,shooting...and i'll never forget how you came to me as a friend while some other tease me cuz im the only chinese in the team....remember the times we hang out at Mac.....we hang out at town...and we hang out a baybeats...another friend is a guy who had an accident..after i knew what happened...i kept thinking why must it be him?how come im losing good friends that are close to me?why isit so unfair that my friend has to leave this world....

and after all this i realise that it is just FATE...you cant control it...it controls you...it decide what happens to you next...and maybe because you're a good soul...like atiff..and maybe because your GOD wants you to join him early cuz you dont sin much after all this times...well the lesson i've learnt here is that its just a moment of sadness which makes you think why isit so unfair?why has it gotta be your friend...but 1 thing for sure is you'll never know what happens to you next....sounds freaky but TRUE.appreciate everyone ard you like you've never before.cheers!

i love my girl,

H i m

♥ B r i a n N e o
♥ 2 9 0 9 8 7
♥ 2 1
♥ C H R I S T I A N
♥ S T A R
♥ L i b r a



♥ my family especially my mum;
♥ my precious baby girl;
♥ soccer is in myblood;
♥ loves bikes;
♥ friends;


*safetly on my family members;
*safetly on my baby;
*aim high in NS NAvy;
*to be with my baby girl forevER


I don't bother what others think about me.
I can honestly say I'm the most random person I know.
I try VERY HARD to make my life
and everyone else's as interesting as possible.
And I try to help others in any way I can.


Say HI!


May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
August 2009
September 2009
December 2009
May 2010


Desginer : Ahhna
Basecode : Last Edition Ahjess