nth much is jus some pic of us enjoying our weekend.
i love my girl,
grrrrrrr....i just cant wait for 5 more days man...i guess everyone jus cant wait too...anyways everyone has a diff reason to just want to faster POP just like me...i just dun wan to fcuking see those bullies in the camp....well not that i got bully but they found trouble with me...you know...singaporeans.....talk big only....one big group of cuz dare to like find trouble...then talk so much shit such as brotherhood, going DB(detention Barrack) together....so on andfore....
FUCk la dey.....just imaging that if you were to be outkast from that group....you'll be the one with no friends...yep....just like me...they found trouble with me saying me"siao ON" well well...that guy's also a regular like me and he said that..woah...i mean jus imaging that after a hard day of training and you're like shagged and SOMEMORE HE ASKED ME"BRIAN YOU NOT HAPPY AH?"WTF!!!!YOU disturb me and u asked if im happy....so i didnt kinda think of what to say so i jus randomly said him"On Siao your mom lah"....and jus think that if ppl keep on disturbing you...how would you feel man....Pissed off rite?
aiyeh...somemore that guy's 1989 one?haa...talk gangster and stuff inside....DUDE! get a life....but thank god i got my own bunch of friends....talk cock.....but yea...FUNNY....rather than some gangster....and oh...basically everyone just sides him though its like his fault...
haa jus see how funny it is...i guess even the sgt inside are like scare of them maybe becuz they fear that when book out ready that bunch can like go find the sgt n whack him...woooooo....scary....oh well i guess i just have to endure them and wat's worst is that i share the same bunk with some of those GANGSTER...whewww...god Please Bless me......
i love my girl,
H i m
♥ B r i a n N e o
♥ 2 9 0 9 8 7
♥ 2 1
♥ C H R I S T I A N
♥ S T A R
♥ L i b r a
♥ my family especially my mum;
♥ my precious baby girl;
♥ soccer is in myblood;
♥ loves bikes;
♥ friends;
*safetly on my family members;
*safetly on my baby;
*aim high in NS NAvy;
*to be with my baby girl forevER
I don't bother what others think about me.
I can honestly say I'm the most random person I know.
I try VERY HARD to make my life
and everyone else's as interesting as possible.
And I try to help others in any way I can.