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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pictures of you, picture of me


i love my girl,

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

holy....i got to book out but baby didnt know..LOL....but have to book in at nite later..anyways im gonna pass out again soon!!!weee....alot of things happened the last few weeks...but it all doesnt happens to me cuz im trying to aim for a clean record for the end of the year BONUS!!!LOL!!!hahaha yea man...who doesnt wants more money to spend rite?oh well...im tired...had sea sortie ytd.. and it was a whole day affair....sail onboard ship to jurong island there i guess but couldnt get the singapore reception on my phone hence after everything ends?it was like 2am....geee.....and cuz of that we get to book out!!Wooooo....

i love my girl,

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

ehhhh now on course and currently the course sucks cuz have to study study study about weapons,ships and more....geee....and everytime ok...not everytime but sometimes cant help it but to doze off in the lecture class.....why?cuz the air con's so cold that it will make u fall asleep....and the feeling's like shiok only....HAHAHA....

oh and yea baby....im OFFICALLY 21!!hahahaha can see R21 lo.....no lah...bullshit....life's still the same lo...and alot of happy stuff happened...such as pass my Class 3 license....got a PSP from my auntie....and alot alot of surprises from baby.....well...i wanna thank my family for organising my bday buffet such as my sista and my mom for help me to fork out some cash for my bday....

wooohooo...life's good for me...anyways there's been an issue bout my vocation in the navy....its like i wanted to go for submarine?but im scared of the issue as in Travelling for months,on course for years and most probably the issue of being homesick....and when i come to think of that onboard surface ship aint that bad too....but it cross my mind that the travelling part which will be months is those Surface ship...LOL...anyways i wanted to head for submarine and guess what...they have 55 subjects to learn?!and haaa they need silver for IPPT...and i was kinda happy that wooo i need not get into submarine cuz my IPPT's just passed...

ehhh....all becuz of my Standing Board Jump...Dammit.....the rest was like 5 pts?grrr.....

anyways that's probably my life for now....or for the next 9 month?haix......

BABY THANK YOU FOR THE SURPRISE and THE EFFORT you've MADE TO MAKE MY ONCE IN A LIFE TIME 21st BDAY A GOOD ONE....No other ppl has ever did that for me.....THANKS YOU!!!MWA!!!!!!

i love my girl,

H i m

♥ B r i a n N e o
♥ 2 9 0 9 8 7
♥ 2 1
♥ C H R I S T I A N
♥ S T A R
♥ L i b r a



♥ my family especially my mum;
♥ my precious baby girl;
♥ soccer is in myblood;
♥ loves bikes;
♥ friends;


*safetly on my family members;
*safetly on my baby;
*aim high in NS NAvy;
*to be with my baby girl forevER


I don't bother what others think about me.
I can honestly say I'm the most random person I know.
I try VERY HARD to make my life
and everyone else's as interesting as possible.
And I try to help others in any way I can.


Say HI!


May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
August 2009
September 2009
December 2009
May 2010


Desginer : Ahhna
Basecode : Last Edition Ahjess